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Mahdavia Virtual Conference 2021
September 3-5, 2021 | Online
Conference Brochure

Blue Skies







MICC Virtual Conference 2021

MICC Virtual Conference 2021

MICC Virtual Conference 2021
Mahdavia Virtual Conference 2021 - SESSION 1

Mahdavia Virtual Conference 2021 - SESSION 1

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Mahdavia Virtual Conference 2021 - SESSION 2

Mahdavia Virtual Conference 2021 - SESSION 2

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Mahdavia Virtual Conference 2021 - SESSION 3

Mahdavia Virtual Conference 2021 - SESSION 3

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September 3-5, 2021 | Online

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.


Welcome to the 3rd Global Mahdavia Conference, in a virtual setting, as organized by the Mahdavia Islamic Center of Chicago (MICC). Since its inception, MICC is on the path of progression in providing selfless service to the Community.


With the diaspora of Mahdavia Community worldwide, we face many new challenges. To overcome these challenges, we have to have a central authority of Murshideen and scholars who can understand these challenges and find solutions. We have to establish, develop, and strengthen our religious and social institutions to improve our standing as a community.

The purpose of this conference is to create an opportunity for the Community members to understand and appreciate the importance of our faith, which is purely based on the Qur’an, the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammed (SAWS), the teachings of Mahdi al-Ma’ood (ASWS), and to establish a close connection among Mahdavis worldwide.


May the result of this conference yield to an increase in faith, passion, and conviction; and foster strong leadership, Ameen!


MICC is pleased to welcome our community members around the globe to this Online Conference!

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