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Editorial (March 2023): Tawakkul - The Essence of Our Faith

Mahdavia Center

Updated: Apr 14, 2023

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Trust in Allah is an integral part of Islam as Allah says in Qur’an: “… Put your trust in God if you are true believers." (5:23) Although Trust in Allah has different levels but one has to have trust in Allah to be a true believer. Tawakkul (Trust in Allah) in one of the Faraiz-e-Vilayath as ordained by Imamuna Mahdi AHS. The whole concept of Tark-e-Duniya in Mahdaviah is based on Trust in Allah alone. The Mahdavia practice of Tark-e-Duniya is the practical example of the verse 65:3 from Qur’an. Allah SWT says: “And will provide him sustenance from a place he had never expected; and whoever relies on Allah – then Allah is Sufficient for him”

Let’s try to relate the concept of Trust in Allah SWT with some of the practice of current Muslim Ummah and how Mahdavia practice is different from the Mainstream Islam. As the month of Ramadan is here, every mosque is preparing to hold Taraweeh prayer. The demand for Huffaz increases exponentially during this month and Most of the Masajid (plural of Masjid) offer complete recitation of Qur’an in Taraweeh prayer and it brings a positive change in the social and religious environment of Muslim Ummah. Alhamdulillah Many Mahdavia Mosques also arrange for Taraweeh prayer. However, there is a basic difference between how it’s organized in Mahdavi Mosques as against in the mainstream Islam.

In the mainstream Islam it has become a common practice to hire Imams at a predetermined salary or wages for daily prayers as well as for the Taraweeh prayer. On the other hand, Alhamdulillah, Mahdavi Mosques do not have any Imams hired based on predetermined wages. Most of our Mosques have a Murshid, who is Tarik-ud-Dunya, or even if a Kasib is leading the daily or Taraweeh prayer, he will not do so for wages but for the sake of Allah (lillah). The purpose of this discussion here is only to put a few facts based on Islamic principles.

Hadith: It is proven that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said to ‘Uthmaan ibn Abi’l- ‘Aas, when he asked him to be the imam of his people: “You are their imam; pay attention to the weak among them, and appoint a muezzin who does not take any payment for his adhaan.” (Tirmidhi)

In another Hadith, Ubaadah ibn As-Saamit RZ said that he taught some of the inhabitants of As-Suffah the Quran and how to write. A man among them gave him a bow as a gift. He went to ask the Prophet SAS and said, 'O Messenger of Allah! A man among those whom I used to teach the Quran and how to write presented me a bow, which is not money and which I can shoot in the way of Allah.' The Prophet SAS answered, “If you want to be adorned with a neckband from Hellfire, take it.” (Reported by Abu Daawood and Ibn Maajah)

Allah SWT in the Holy Qur’an: Say (O Muhammed), "I do not ask you for any recompense (compensation for service) for this except that anyone who so wishes should take the right path to his Lord." (25:57) In this verse, Allah SWT is asking Prophet Muhammad SAS to declare that he is not preaching the true path towards Allah for the sake of any compensation. Other prophets AMS also said the same thing to their people. Let’s also refer another verse: “….. Therefore, fear not men but fear Me (O Jews) and sell not My Verses for a miserable price.” (5:44).

These two verses provide clear evidence that collecting predetermined wages for preaching, leading the prayer, teaching Qur’an, or even calling people towards prayer (Azan) is prohibited in Islam. Here we present a few quotes from Islamic scholars: (i) Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi says: "The current custom of giving or taking wages for Taraweeh is absolutely wrong and goes against the Islamic Shariah. Finishing the Holy Qur'an in such a way could not cause rewards rather it would invite punishment." (ii) Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi says: "To define a wage for finishing the Holy Qur'an in Taraweeh in explicit words or defining it as a norm or custom of the area as it is prevalent nowadays: both the ways are unlawful." (Both quotes are taken from Islamic Vision Academy’s web site)

It is clear from Qur’an, Hadith, and the quotes from the scholars that leading the prayer with a predetermined wage or salary is prohibited so what would be the position of that prayer that is offered behind these Imams.

Had there been adoption of the doctrine of Tark-e-Dunya in the mainstream Islam today, the Imams of their Mosques would have been on Tawakkul (relying only on Allah) for their needs. As Qur’an says: “for, verily, God Himself is the Provider of all sustenance, the Lord of all might, the Eternal! (51:58). When Allah SWT is the provider of all sustenance, why people should look towards “Ghair” (other than Allah) for their needs. Imamuna Mahdi Al-Ma’ud AHS has said that even if you need water, wood, or salt, seek these things from Allah alone and the highest level is to seek Allah from Allah (Khuda Say Khuda ko Maango). A system of “Allah Nay Diya Hai” would have met the needs of these Imams within the principles of true Islam.


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